Thursday, December 14, 2006

Good spirits!

This has been a busy week. Monday our son and I went to a local play group in the morning. In the evening, we all went out to pizza with my friend, Janet and her family for her birthday. Tuesday evening the Minnesota State Chess Association had a board meeting. Yesterday I had a couple of job interviews. Today the weather is pretty nice, and we took a walk with our dog in the neighborhood.

The weather has been so nice, it barely feels like the holidays. It is moving much too fast, but I feel like we are keeping on top of the gift-buying, which fortunately is not outrageous. :) I feel like we are enjoying this time of year without the huge amount of stress.


TerraPraeta said...

Hey Joe,

enjoying this time of year without the huge amount of stress

Fabulous! Hope it continues!


Joe Erjavec said...

Thank you. So far, so good. We'll just have to do our best!

Good luck to you, as well. This should be a time of sharing and not losing our minds!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe -
thanks so much for joining us for my bday - your lovely family really made it special.
I found a website you should check out,
A magazine and community for the new urban parent. Maybe you could write for them.
See ya soon, Janet

Joe Erjavec said...

You're welcome, Janet. That was a great time!

I'll check out babble. Thanks!